November 16, 2019
Community partners discuss bail reform with law enforcement
Craig DuMond, the Delaware County Sheriff, hosted a meeting of the Criminal Justice Committee of the Catskills Addiction Coalition on Friday, Nov. 15 to discuss bail reform in Delaware County.
Representatives from Delaware County Department of Social Services, Margaretville Hospital, Delaware County Public Health, the Delaware County Drug Use Task Force, Friends of Recovery Delaware-Otsego, Delaware County Treatment Court, the New York State Police, the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Delaware County and the Catskills Addiction Coalition discussed how policing in Delaware County will change in January 2020 because of New York's new bail reform law, which is designed to prevent people from being held in jail for non-violent charges while they await trial.
Officials from the New York State Police, Delaware County Probation and the Delaware County Sheriff's Office explained their concerns that bail reform will give them less control over people who use drugs, thereby making it harder for anyone seeking treatment to get help through the criminal justice system.
Then folks from community organizations discussed how they can collaborate with the police to offer support to both law enforcement and to people who use drugs when they encounter law enforcement, perhaps through better communication and coordination, or the establishment of a Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program.