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Make Things Happen

What's New With the CPR? (Formerly the CAC)

2021 Annual Community Summit


Friday, January 8th- Friday, January 15th, 2021 



KICKOFF  Friday January 8th, 2021

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  ONLINE

Thank you to all who joined us!  Find the videos of our Kickoff and Action Week sessions by following the link below.


The Catskills Addiction Coalition (now the Catskills Pathways to Recovery) hosted an ONLINE 2021 Community Action Week from January 8 to January 15, 2021. The event was called "Addiction Prevention, Treatment and Recovery in the Catskills: Progress, Plans, and Learning together." It featured a kickoff on Friday, January 8th 9am to noon featuring a "Living in Recovery" panel of speakers. Then, from January 9 to 15, the CAC hosted  a week of collaborative zoom sessions on addiction,treatment, recovery, harm reduction, mental health, and more. 


See the entire archived summit by following the link below.

Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Events in the Catskills

Check out our collaborative calendar, updated regularly by our consortium's partner organizations.

From the Delaware County Substance Use Task Force.   

CAC Partners with Reach Medical Inc.

AUGUST, 2020


As a partner organization, we are thrilled to announce that

The Reach Project, INC & Reach Medical PLLC has been awarded a $1,000,000 RCORP (Rural Communities Opioid Response Program) grant! REACH is a non-profit organization based in Ithaca, that works to provide harm reduction services and care for individuals who typically experience stigma in healthcare settings. This grant will help our rural communities to improve, strengthen, and expand work on prevention, treatment, and recovery services in rural areas for substance use disorder (SUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD). REACH was one of only three organizations chosen in New York State.

Rural Communities Opioid Response Grant



Craig DuMond, the Delaware County Sheriff, hosted a meeting of the Criminal Justice Committee of the Catskills Addiction Coalition on Friday, Nov. 15 to discuss bail reform in Delaware County.

Representatives from Delaware County Department of Social Services, Margaretville Hospital, Delaware County Public Health, the Delaware County Drug Use Task Force, Friends of Recovery Delaware-Otsego, Delaware County Treatment Court, the New York State Police, the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Delaware County and the Catskills Addiction Coalition discussed how policing in Delaware County will change in January 2020 because of New York's new bail reform law, which is designed to prevent people from being held in jail for non-violent charges while they await trial. 

Officials from the New York State Police, Delaware County Probation and the Delaware County Sheriff's Office explained their concerns that bail reform will give them less control over people who use drugs, thereby making it harder for anyone seeking treatment to get help through the criminal justice system.

Then folks from community organizations discussed how they can collaborate with the police to offer support to both law enforcement and to people who use drugs when they encounter law enforcement, perhaps through better communication and coordination, or the establishment of a 
Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program. 

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November 15, 2019 Law Enforcement Committee Meeting


May 10th, 2019


The Coalition is pleased to announce that we received a $20,000 award to "share learnings" with Delhi on how we both can become "recovery-friendly communities". The grant will be for one year and will support meetings, trainings, and background work to support some of the priorities we identified at the January Summit. The funding is through the Collaborative Communities initiative led by Health By Design and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


Margaretville Hospital, which is part of the Westchester Medical Center WMCHealth Network, was awarded a $200,000 Rural Communities Opioid Response Program Planning grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in May 2019. [Link to grant:]


The RCORPs Planning Grant funds the strengthening and expanding of a community consortium that aims to reduce morbidity and mortality from substance use disorders in the Catskills region of upstate New York. The hospital, the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office, Roxbury Central School and the Catskills Addiction Coalition are the four founding members of this consortium, which is now known as the expanded Catskills Addiction Coalition. By May 2020, when the granting period ends, the CAC plans to add partners to this coalition, making it a strong and flexible group that will collaborate across disparate communities and organizations to create innovative and sustainable solutions to the opioid epidemic in upstate New York. 


The RCORPs Planning Grant requires that the CAC create a Needs Assessment, a Strategic Plan, a Sustainability Plan, and a Workforce Development plan for healthcare and wellness providers in the region. These reports are due periodically throughout the year, and will all be done along with a final grant report by May 2020. 


The CAC plans to apply for a HRSA RCORPs Implementation Grant in April 2020, which would allow it to implement the plans it creates during the planning year. [Link to grant]


The CAC meets quarterly as a group, but does most of its work in its various committees. A partial list of committees is below:


Youth Engagement/School Committee

Law Enforcement — Community Referrals Committee

Medication Assisted Treatment and Counseling Committee

Prevention/Mental Health Committee (works with Delaware County Drug Use Task Force Prevention Committee):

Recovery Coach Committee:

Communication, Data and Outreach Committee

Transportation Committee

Housing Committee

Summit Planning/Steering Committee


Check Them Out

2nd Annual Addiction Action Summit

THANK YOU to all the attendees who joined us on Friday, January 24th from 8:30-3:00 at the MTC Community Center, Margaretville, NY 12455


December 3rd, 2019

narcan training MGH.png

The New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) led a training tailored to first responders at Margareville Hospital on Dec. 3, 2019. Eight people attended, including representatives of the Margaretville Fire Department, the Catskill Recreation Center, the Mountaintop Cares Coalition and the Discover Life Ministry at the Huntersfield Christian Training Center. 

The audience was engaged and interested and asked relevant questions, and the trainer seemed especially pleased that when she asked if anyone was forced to be there by their job, nobody raised their hands. Folks were there because they wanted to be there. This attendance shows that there is an interest and a need for these trainings in the community. 


July 30, 2019

A breakfast meeting for business leaders in the Catskill Region to discuss a model of hiring people in recovery that has been successful in Oneonta and Delhi. The meeting was designed to examine the model's success in building a committed and stable workforce, discuss any concerns business owners may have, and explore next steps in bringing the model the Eastern Delaware County and surrounding counties.


March 25-30, 2019


Recovery Coaching is a form of strength-based supports for persons in or seeking recovery from alcohol and other drugs, and other addictions. Similar to life and business coaching, Recovery Coaching (also known as peer mentoring) is a type of partnership where the person in or seeking recovery self directs his/her recovery while the coach provides expertise in supporting successful change.


January 17, 2019

A  Community Action Summit was held on January 18th, 2019 in Margaretville, NY, which began the work of preventing and treating addictions in our region. All sectors of our communities, including young people, were invited to participate. We had a very successful meeting, with over 100 community members in attendance! 

Our coalition along with community members developed multiple action plan groups including: 
1. Moving Upstream to Create an Engaging and Supportive Community for Youth – What are ways to engage youth in our region in constructive activities that enrich their lives and develop them as young adults?
2. Treatment Services – How do we ensure that anyone who wants addiction treatment in our region is able to access it and have options that can be individualized for them (e.g., residential treatment programs and outpatient medication assisted treatment)?
3. Criminal Justice System – What are the ways that the criminal justice system can expedite people accessing treatment and recovery services, as well as helping to prevent substance users from becoming addicted?
4. The Role of Business in Prevention and Recovery – Whether youth training programs or preparing businesses to successfully hire and retain people in recovery, what can business do to ensure that it has the workforce it needs and a thriving community?
5. Creating a Recovery Community – How can we improve access to recovery services and do a better job of coordinating and communicating about treatment and recovery services for people in recovery from addiction?
6. Recovery Coaches in Our Region – How can we recruit, train and use recovery coaches in our region?
7. Addiction Education – What do we need to do to improve the education of youth and adults about addictive substances, the development of addictions, and the recovery journey?
8. Improving transportation in the region. 

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