Welcome to the Catskills Addiction Coalition
3rd Annual Community Action Summit
January 8th-15th, 2021
Join the Conversation! #CACActionWeek
View the sessions from our Action Week!

The 2021 Catskills Addiction Coalition Annual Community Summit
A Free Event!
January 8th-15th, 2021 Friday to Friday with daily interactive Zoom webinar sessions
Our online summit format allows attendees to participate in our Community Action Week without having to travel to Margaretville this year due to Covid-19. The event will continue to be the source for community-centered collaborative work focused on the prevention, treatment, and recovery needs with a focus on harm reduction for substance use and opioid use disorders in the Catskills Region.
Follow the links below to View the sessions!
Friday January 8, 2021 9:00-Noon
January 9-15, 2021
View the sessions

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Our 2019 and 2020 Summits
Kickoff Day Presenters
Friday, January 8, 2021

Diana Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN
Co-Chair Catskills Addiction Coalition

Julia Reischel
Co-Chair Catskills Addiction Coalition

Mark Pohar
Executive Director Margaretville Hospital and Mountainside Residential Care Center

Carol O'Beirne
Executive Director Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce

Peg Ellsworth
Executive Director
M-ARK Project, Inc.

Joseph Damone
Catskills Addiction Coalition



Friday, January 8, 2021 Kickoff Day
9:00-9:25 AM
Welcome and overview of the day
9:25-9:35 AM
Update on progress and gaps, current data, and grant information
9:35-9:40 AM
Remembrance of those lost to SUD
9:40-9:50 AM
Harm Reduction
9:50-10:00 AM
10:00-10:30 AM
Presentation of student videos, awards
10:30-11:45 AM
Panel discussion: People with lived experience
11:45 AM- Noon
Wrap-up, closing remarks, weekly session schedule, engagement
January 9-15, 2021 Community Action Week Interactive web-based sessions. Click on the session link to view the presentations.
Presenter | Profile | Session/Register | Date/Time |
Casie Mair-Miley, BSN, RN:
Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES,
SUNY Delhi School of Nursing | Covid-19 and youth mental health: A school nurse perspective | 01/09/2021 | |
Ashley Behrenfeld: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Delaware County | Current Drug Trends | 01/11/2021 | |
Dr. Shelly Bartow, Executive Director of Delaware Opportunities | Understanding Risk Factors and Promoting Resiliency in LGBT Youth | 01/11/2021 | |
Frank Canavan: The Community Pantry | Poverty and the food pantry | 01/11/2021 | |
Justina Groeger, MD, MPH, Montefiore Medical Center, Presented by the Catskill Hudson Area Health Education Center | Opioids and Older Adults | 01/11/2021 | |
Jamie Smith and Seth Reynolds: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Delaware County | Substance Use/Misuse: Understanding the effects of substance use on the brain | 01/12/2021 | |
Courtney Hayes, LMSW: Truth Pharm | Science of Addiction and overdose reversal training: Virtual Narcan Training | 01/12/2021 | |
Justine Waldman, MD,FACEP
CEO Reach Medical | Low Threshold Medication Assisted Therapy | 01/12/2021 | |
Courtney Hayes, LMSW
Project Coordinator
Truth Pharm | Shawna Has a Secret: Finding evidence of substance use and clearing the confusion | 01/12/2021 | |
Amanda Martin Decker: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Delaware County | Intentional Wellbeing: A look at chronic stress and strategies to promote resilience | 01/13/2021 | |
Julia Reischel, Catskills Addiction Coalition and Alicia Griffin, Maternity Peer and Certified Recovery Peer Advocate, Samadhi | Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome | 01/13/2021 | |
Emily England, Director of Programs- Harm Reduction of the Southern Tier AIDS Program (STAP) | Syringe Exchanges: A public health approach that works | 01/13/2021 | |
Carol O'Beirne & Glen Pedersen: Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce, Dennis Morgan, & a panel of small business owners. | Recovery Friendly Businesses: Be a business that makes a difference | 01/13/2021 | |
Courtney Hayes, LMSW
Project Coordinator
Truth Pharm | Science of Addiction and overdose reversal training: Virtual Narcan Training | 01/13/2021 | |
Courtney Hayes, LMSW
Project Coordinator
Truth Pharm | Shawna has a Secret: Finding evidence of substance use and clearing the confusion | 01/14/2021 | |
Michelle McElroy, Deputy Executive Director
The Southern Tier Aids Program | Harm Reduction: It can be hard, but it works. Evidence and rewards. | 01/14/2021 | |
David McNamara: Samadhi | Mindfulness based recovery and the Samadhi Center | 01/14/2021 | |
Joyce St. George: Catskills Addiction Coalition and panel | The Role of Law Enforcement in Recovery Friendly Communities: Police reform, addiction and mental health | 01/15/2021 | |
James Anderson, PhD
LCHP Medical Director
Licensed Psychologist
Bassett Healthcare Network | Project ECHO and primary care buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder: Implementation and clinical outcomes | 01/15/2021 | |
Arnie Schwartz and Panel | "A Wing and a Prayer: A play about addiction | 01/15/2021 |
We are remembering individuals lost to SUD during our Community Action Week. If you would like to submit a photo, name, and story in remembrance, please click the candle to be taken to the memorial page.
Who Should Attend?
Individuals affected by SUD/OUD
Law Enforcement
The Arts Community
Nurses, N.P.s and P.A.s
Social Workers
Policy Makers & Civic Leaders
The Business Community
Interested Community Members
Transportation Sector
Criminal Justice
Faith Leaders
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is there a cost to attend the summit?
A. No. The Action Week Zoom sessions are free to attend.
​Q. Will registering for the Action Week add me to a mailing list/SPAM?
A. No. Your email and name is needed to register and to receive the post session evaluation, but will not be used otherwise.
Q. Can anyone join/can I invite anyone?
A. Yes and No. We will be screening who registers and enters the sessions to maintain privacy for any sessions that are sensitive in nature. Please contact CatskillsAddictionCoalition@Gmail.com for questions/concerns.
Q. Is there a limit to the number of attendees?
A. Yes. We are limited to 500 registrants for the Kickoff day webinar, and 100 per Zoom session during the Action Week.
Q. Will participants/attendees be visible on video?
A. Yes and No. Only the moderator/facilitator and the panelists will be visible in the webinar session on Kickoff Day. Attendees can turn off their cameras during regular Zoom sesssions.
Q. Will I be able to ask questions?
A. Yes. The Zoom sessions will have a chat feature enabled where you may place questions/comments and there will be dedicated times for discussion.
Q. How can I access the recordings of the summit?
A. The Zoom sessions will be available after the close of the Action Week, via either file or YouTube. Please stay tuned.

The work of the Catskills Addiction Coalition is carried out through our partnerships with other organizations and awarded grants. Thank you to our sponsors and those who through collaborative work, continue to make our communities recovery-friendly!

Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by the Collaborative Communities Award. The Community Collaborative Learning Funds are managed by Healthy Places by Design, and part of the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps and RWJF Culture of Health Prize programs which are collaborations between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute.
The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the named organizations, nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by these organizations.